3 Keys to Staying Safe During Exercise | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

The team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to continue to keep your healthy resolutions by sticking to your workout routine, but we also want you avoid injury. Here are some tips to help keep you safe while you’re out and moving this summer.

Avoiding Injuries While Exercising

Who wants to gain weight during the summer—or any season for that matter? No one, which is why it’s important to include exercise in your daily routine. But you want to make sure that when you do work out, you do it with safety in mind.

First, when working out, you want to make sure that you are giving yourself time both before and after your exercise session to warm up and cool down properly.

Also, remember that if you’re just getting started on an exercise routine, you need to start where you’re comfortable. You can gradually move up as you start exercising more frequently and see your endurance growing. Remember, there’s a difference between pushing yourself and going too far with your workout. You want to keep increasing your fitness level but not overwhelming your body.

That’s where listening to your body comes into play. You know when you’re just making excuses not to do something and when you’ve really pushed your body too far. When your body talks to you, you need to listen. After working out for a small length of time, you’ll be able to tell when you are just experiencing normal muscle soreness and when you’re experiencing pain. Pushing yourself over your limit increases your risk of injury, so listen to your body.

Finally, don’t forget to hydrate. Because you’re now starting to work out more, your body is going to be sweating. You need to drink plenty of water to replenish the water you’re sweating out. The best plan is to sip water continuously throughout the day, including before, during and after your workout. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.

Did your recent workout session leave you with a sprained ankle or hurt knee? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis to speak with a physician who can get you on the path to healing.