Life is all about organizing chaos into a predictable routine, right? You wake up, shuffle everyone out of the house to work and school, you get home and then chauffeur everyone around to activities. Finally it’s time for bed for the kids and couch time for you. That certainly sounds familiar to us! While we are all guilty of this routine during busy weeks, it is important to prioritize time to challenge your brain and get out of your comfort zone regularly. Read on →

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes it can seem like those downs last longer than we want them to. It is normal to feel a wide range of emotions throughout a typical day. Happiness, sadness, anger and frustration are all parts of the human experience. So are feelings of loneliness, though loneliness shouldn’t be a long-term emotion. Over time, chronic loneliness not only affects our mental health, it affects our physical health, too, and can lead to dangerous and even deadly illnesses or conditions. Read on →

Feeling sick is never fun, especially if your symptoms are stomach-related. GI problems can be uncomfortable, painful and make you feel miserable. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing these symptoms, and food poisoning is a common reason. Food poisoning is the general term for an illness you get after consuming contaminated food or water. This type of contamination comes from improper food storage or poor preparation methods. Read on →

Your health should always be your greatest priority! Staying healthy by eating well, washing your hands and avoiding sick individuals offers you the best chance of avoiding illness. However, even if you do all of that, you always run the risk of getting sick. While many illnesses are just minor nuisances and will go away on their own with time, pneumonia needs to be addressed carefully. It can turn into a dangerous situation relatively quickly, so knowing what to look for is crucial. Read on →

Our bones are foundational to our everyday life. They provide literal structure to our bodies, protect our organs and support our muscles. Building strong bones starts in childhood, but it is important to focus on healthy bones throughout your entire life. As we age, our bones become more susceptible to damage. Age 30 is about the age for peak bone mass, and you tend to lose a little each year. Read on →

Having a sore throat is certainly an unpleasant experience. It can make just about every daily task harder, and it can be just downright painful! While there are many different reasons why your throat could be hurting, most sore throats are caused by viral or bacterial infections. If you are wondering what is causing your sore throat, we can help! Our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team explains all about sore throats below, so read on. Read on →

If you smoke or live in a household with someone who does, understanding secondhand smoke is crucial. There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke, whether you are inhaling it directly through a cigarette or cigar, or if you are exposed to it secondhand. Giving up your smoking habit is one of the best things you can do for your family. In addition, it will make you much healthier as well! Read on →

Regular exercise is encouraged throughout your entire life. In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, exercise also helps your body function at its best. While exercise should be a priority in your life, there is always the possibility of injury during physical activity. Common injuries like strains or twisted ankles can be remedied with a few days of rest, but certain injuries like stress fractures require a more intensive recovery. Read on →

If you have been experiencing some abdominal pain or have pain after eating, you may wonder what’s going on with your body. Since many different conditions or illnesses can produce abdominal pain, it is important to receive a proper diagnosis so you know what steps to take. One reason for your pain could be due to a case of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can be really dangerous and even deadly if it is not treated quickly, so check out our latest blog from the team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis below to learn more. Read on →

Upper respiratory illnesses are all the rage these days! They are occurring in high numbers all across the country, so chances are that you have either already been sick this year or someone in your family has been. While there are many different types of respiratory illnesses, two of the most common infections right now are the flu and RSV. Both of these illnesses have the potential to make you or your loved ones really sick. Read on →