Back to School Means Getting Back Into Fall Sports | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

More than 45 million children living in the United States are playing some kind of organized sport. Sports provide kids with a number of recognized health and development benefits, but you also need to take steps to keep them safe.

That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis has some tips to share on keeping your little one safe on the field or court this season.

Practicing Sports Safety

You want your little ones to enjoy all the benefits of sports, including bonding with teammates and finding new friends. To truly do that, though, it’s important to practice sports safety.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can help your young athletes stay safe this sports season:

Warm Up and Cool Down

No matter how physically active your child is, the body still needs to acclimate to activity before each practice and game. Therefore, it’s important for every athlete to complete warm-up and cool-down exercises to prepare the body for the activity ahead and help it recover afterward.

Wear the Right Gear

Every sports has its own requirements for safety gear. While football includes pads and a helmet, soccer includes eye gear and knee and elbow pads. That’s because different parts of the body are at risk depending on the sport being played.

Talk with your child’s coach about what equipment he or she needs to stay healthy and protected.

Stay Hydrated

In Memphis, we’re certainly no strangers to the heat of summer. We know the importance of staying hydrated when the temperatures are soaring. That’s especially important during physical activity.

Emphasize to your little one that drinking only when he or she is thirsty is a bad idea. By the time you’re thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. Instead, drink plenty of water before, during and after activity. Aim for at least 32 ounces of water during a one-hour practice or game.

Does your child need a sports physical? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis today—no appointment is necessary.