Can Coffee Have a Positive Impact on My Health?

You know what? It really can.

As you probably know, coffee is high in caffeine, so too much isn’t the best for you, but that’s also the case for most good things in life. Coffee is also high in antioxidants, which is why experts believe that it can be a great thing for your health.

Don’t believe us? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis proves it below.

Does Drinking Coffee Make Me Healthier?

It can, but not if you add tons of sugar and cream to it. Coffee in its most basic form is full of antioxidants and nutrients, and the two biggest perks that it offers are increased energy levels and the ability to help you burn fat.

As we said previously, coffee contains a solid amount of caffeine. When you drink coffee, your blood absorbs the caffeine and carries it to your brain, which will ultimately lead to enhanced firing of neurons. This improves your mood, energy and memory. Caffeine also is one of the only natural substances that is proven to aid in fat-burning. Consistently drinking coffee can boost your metabolic rate by 3–11%.

Other Benefits of Drinking Coffee

  • Can lower your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes
  • Can help fight depression and aid in mental health
  • Lowers your risk of getting a stroke

How Much Coffee Is Too Much?

Just like anything, moderation is the key to enjoying something without overdoing it. This is also true for coffee.

While the perks of caffeine are great, consuming more than 400 milligrams of coffee a day—which is around four cups of coffee—is usually unhealthy for most adults. Really, less than four cups of coffee a day could be unhealthy for you as caffeine affects everyone differently, so experts say that you should just be aware of how your body feels after you drink caffeine. If you feel jittery and dizzy, cut back.

Signs that You’ve Had Too Much Caffeine

  • Increased irritability
  • Frequent urination
  • Fast heartbeat

If your energy level is low and you need some advice on how to get a boost, come visit us at AFC Urgent Care Memphis. We’d love to see you!