Create Healthy Habits as a Family | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

We all yearn to be the healthiest version of ourselves. However, what if we can work together as a family in order to be healthier than ever before?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to consider improving not only your personal health but also the health of your family as a whole during Family Wellness Month this May.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can build healthier habits as a family. Start here:

Try New Foods at Mealtime

Many times, we take comfort in having the same foods and meals every week, such as Taco Tuesday or Pizza Friday. When we get stuck in a meal routine, it can be easy to forget to add other foods into our diet, which can cause us to miss out on important nutrients.

Try to make sure you are trying at least one new food a week, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

You can even involve your entire family more by allowing each person to choose one vegetable a week. That way everyone can feel involved!

Still want to have your standard meal days? That’s OK—just mix up your recipes to introduce healthier versions, like taco bowls or a pizza with a cauliflower crust.

Decrease Your Family’s Screen Time

Does your family have a tendency to spend time in front of the TV after work and school? While catching up on your favorite show can be fun, why not try other ways to spend quality time as a family that don’t involve screen time?

For instance, try going for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner or start training to participate in a local 5k as a family. Especially with the weather warming up, the next few months are going to be the perfect time to spend more time outside as a family.

Get in a Bedtime Routine

Bedtime is important for all members of the family, not just children. It’s important to set—and maintain—a consistent bedtime and wake time.

Find your comfort spot sleep-wise. Adults, for example, need between seven and nine hours of sleep. Children will need more. Choose a bedtime that will allow you to consistently get that amount of sleep each night.

Are you looking to establish healthier habits as a family? A checkup is the perfect place to begin. Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today—no appointment is necessary.