Do You Have a Healthy Relationship With Exercise? | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

You know you need to exercise. But do you want to exercise?

Both the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend that people get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity each week. However, in order to consistently meet that goal (and reap the health benefits), you need to establish a healthy relationship with exercise. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis has some tips to help you do just that.

Find the Right Exercise/Life Balance

It’s unlikely that you are going to consistently commit to doing something that you don’t enjoy—or that brings you pain. That’s why it’s important to find a good balance and a workout routine that’s a positive in your life.

So, first things first—you need to find some type of physical activity that you love. Don’t like running? Then don’t do it! There are tons of activities to try, including dance workouts like Zumba, walking on a treadmill or outdoors, yoga, pilates, cycling and swimming. And you don’t have to stick with just one! You can—and should—mix things up often to liven up your workout routine and keep it interesting. Be sure to include regular strength training as part of your routine to keep your muscles and bones strong.

Once you’ve begun working out, you need to listen to your body. When you’re working out regularly, you will experience some aches and pains caused by challenging your muscles in new and different ways. But there’s a difference between that type of ache (called delayed onset muscle soreness) and actual pain. Pay close attention to your body and what you’re feeling—and don’t try to push through actual pain.

In addition, you want to take at least one rest day during the week to help give your body time to recuperate. This is so important! Your body needs to rest and so does your mind. And you’re much more likely to burn out and stop working out if you try and push yourself every single day.

Before you start any new exercise routine, talk with a doctor to make sure you’re in good health and ready to go. You can visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis seven days a week, and no appointment is necessary.