Don't Let the Bugs Bite This Summer! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Now that sunnier, warmer days are ahead, of course you are going to want to spend more time outside! However, while you are outside, you also have to remember that you are stepping into the home turf of bugs.

If you don’t want to end up with a bunch of bug bites while playing outside this summer, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis has some ways you can stay bite-free this season.

Keep the Bugs at Bay

By now, you are probably a pro at making sure you have sunscreen on before stepping outdoors. However, the sun’s strong UV rays are not the only thing you need to worry about when out and about this summer.

Insect bites are also at their highest during this season—and some can have dangerous effects on your health. Therefore, our team wants to make sure you have all the knowledge and tools necessary to keep you and your family safe from bug bites this summer.

Ways to Prevent Insect Bites

Let’s take a look at ways you can protect yourself from insect bites this summer:

First, you want to make sure to avoid scented perfumes, soaps and shampoos, as the sweet scents that come from those products can actually be attracting insects to you. Unscented products—or at least those that do not have floral scents—are your best bet during summer.

Second, if you’re headed outdoors, particularly in wooded areas or around pooled water, be sure to apply insect repellent. Apply a product containing DEET to all exposed skin when going outside and reapply if you’re outdoors for more than five hours.

Finally, if you do happen to get bitten this summer by a bug, you want to make sure you treat it as soon as possible. It’s a two-step process in most cases:

  • Put ice on the bite or sting for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
  • Take an over-the-counter medication like Benadryl to help with itching.

Keep an eye on the bite or sting to ensure it doesn’t worsen over time, swell or get hot. Those are signs of infection and medical attention is warranted.

Did you suffer a bug bite that just isn’t getting better? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a medical evaluation and treatment plan.