Don't Let the Winter Fool You

Just because the weather outside is frightful, that doesn’t mean sickness is on the way. That’s just one winter myth we need to push to the side. Prepare for the winter season by learning the truth about this myth in order to better protect your health.

Overcome the Cold Myths

Did you know that according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, cold viruses grow best at about 91 degrees? You can’t exactly blame the cold weather for making you sick. So there’s no real reason not keep getting your workout on outside, even in the colder weather. Just be sure to wear layers of clothing to ward off the cold—place a sweat-wicking layer closest to the skin and a wind-resistant one on the outside. And if you’re outdoors when there’s less natural light, be sure to wear reflective clothing.

Some people may also hope that with the colder weather comes no more allergy suffering. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, since many indoor allergies tend to crop up in the cooler months due to pets being inside the home more and the windows being kept shut, which breeds stale air and mold. Use a humidifier, clean regularly (including washing all sheets and blankets once a week), and, if needed, take an antihistamine to ward off allergies.

Are you feeling a bit under the weather? No appointment is necessary at our urgent care center!