Eat Your Heart Out

In recognition of American Heart Month this February, it’s time to start living a healthier lifestyle in order to improve your heart health. The first step in the process—a heart-healthy diet.

What’s on Your Plate?

With your momentum still going strong from your January resolutions, now’s the perfect time to change your eating habits. Here are some tips to help you along the way.

First, no matter what’s on your plate, portion control is extremely important. Americans are guilty of eating too much at one sitting. It’s time to watch our portion sizes. To help with this task, try eating on a smaller plate. This alone can help you with your serving sizes.

Second, try to eat more fruits and vegetables. Have some fun with it! Try making a new stir-fry recipe for dinner, or adding some mixed fruit to your salad at lunch. Find new recipes to try—and expand your fruit and veggie horizons.

Finally, when looking to add protein to your plate, go for fish, skinless poultry and lean cuts of meat. Eggs, low-fat dairy products and soybeans are other great sources of protein that help produce a healthier heart.

Are you still unsure whether your eating plan is heart-healthy? Visit the physicians at our urgent care center today for help with making healthier nutrition choices for you and your family.