“Fall” Into Good Health and Have Fun! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

The team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis doesn’t want you stuck inside this fall when there are football games, pumpkin patches, trick-or-treating and fall festivals to enjoy! Therefore, it’s time to focus on your health so that illness doesn’t come your way to ruin your fun.

How to Protect Your Health This Fall

Fall should automatically be known as “Wash Your Hands” season. With school back in session and all sorts of germs being passed around, it’s important to wash your hands frequently. Be sure to wash your hands after using the restroom or changing a diaper, before eating or preparing foods, and after coming into contact with someone who could be sick.

Second, consider protecting yourself and your family with the flu vaccine. Getting an annual flu shot is the single best way to prevent the flu, which causes hundreds of thousands of Americans to be hospitalized each year. Don’t think that you’re covered by last year’s shot, though—the flu vaccine is reformulated each year to make it most effective against that year’s flu strains.

While the temperatures are (finally!) beginning to cool down, it’s still vitally important to remain well-hydrated. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. By the time you feel thirst, you may already be dehydrated. Instead, sip water continuously throughout the day.

Finally, keep your distance when it comes to people who are coughing and sneezing. Even if they are practicing proper etiquette, the germs can spread faster than you can say, “achoo.” Wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? If you do come in contact with someone who’s sick, return to tip No.1 and wash your hands!

Who wants to stay inside instead of trick-or-treating this Halloween? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis as soon as you or a family member begin to feel under the weather to help stop illness in its tracks.