Find Happiness This Holiday

It might be the holiday season, but not everything is happy about it. While the holidays are filled with friends and loved ones, merry, and cheer for some, for others, the holiday season is full of sadness. Prevent sadness from settling in your home this December with these tips.

Have Yourself a Merry Christmas

Sadness can rear its ugly head at any time. During the holidays, being upset seems to occur when the expectations of the season don’t go the way you planned, money troubles cause difficulty when buying gifts, and gathering friends and family brings remembrance of who was lost this year. However, the holidays don’t have to be blue. Help ward off sadness with these ideas.

First, plan ahead. If you know a day or an event is going to be emotionally difficult, get yourself into a better mindset. You can do this by taking some time for yourself by reading a book or taking a small nap.

Second, avoid any sources of tension. Are you worried about a family argument being started at your aunt’s feast on Christmas Day? Make other plans. Or, show up before the “troublemakers” arrive so that you are clear of any stress that might come through the door and ruin your holiday spirit.

Finally, allow yourself time to feel and accept your emotions. Don’t beat yourself up over not feeling exactly “cheerful” this holiday. Give yourself some time to grieve a loved one not being here, or the fact that your “perfect” Christmas was ruined (in your eyes). Then get up, and move on throughout the day, making new holiday memories with those you love!

Is it sadness, or something more serious, that’s affecting your health this holiday? Stop by our urgent care center to talk to a physician about your symptoms and the best treatment plan for your health.