Gear Up for a Healthier School Year! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

In just a couple days, a new school year will begin for our Memphis-area students. How do you plan on making this school year a healthier one for your family?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to offer some tips on how you can build healthy habits this year.

Start the School Year Off on a Healthy Foot

In order to be at their best academically, kids also need to be at their best, health-wise. You can take steps to help promote good health:

Prioritize Sleep

It’s a fact: Many kids aren’t getting the quality sleep they need every night.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, school-aged children need between nine and 11 hours of sleep each night to be on their A-game the following day. If your little one isn’t getting enough sleep, establish an earlier bedtime and create a bedtime routine to help him or her fall asleep easier.

Pack a Healthy Lunch

Rather than packing your child’s lunch in a hurry, pack it the night before to ensure you include the most nutritious foods. A good lunch will help fuel your child’s brain through the remainder of the day—and should include a combination of fruits and veggies, lean protein (like ham or peanut butter), and whole grain bread or crackers.

Keep Your Child Moving

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. And recess usually is only a fraction of that time.

Therefore, when your children get home from school and before they begin their homework, have them take an exercise break so they can clear their mind and re-energize their health for the day.

Get Regular Checkups

Regular medical exams are a key part of good health, allowing a doctor to gauge whether your child is at his or her best. During these checkups, doctors can talk with you about any concerns you have, check your child’s development and health, and ensure your little one gets age-appropriate vaccines and tests.

Are your kids in need of a wellness check? Come by AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a physical exam just before the school year!