Get Back in the Habit of Exercise! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

When making our resolutions for 2019, most of us probably put get healthy at the top of our list. And one of the best ways to get and stay healthy? Exercise.

For some of us, it may have been a while since we’ve exercised regularly. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to share some insight into getting started again.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can get back on track with your exercise routine in the new year:

Go Easy on Yourself

If you used to be consistent at following a workout routine or you were an athlete, it can be easy to think you can just jump right into regular workouts. However, when starting back after a lull, it’s important to start slow.

Start off small in the beginning and build back up. For example, start off walking for a length of time, then gradually turn that walk into a walk/jog, and then into a run. Or lengthen the amount of time you’re walking and increase your pace. If you’re lifting weights, gradually build back up the weight you’re lifting, as well as the number of reps and sets.

Put It on Your Calendar

You schedule everything else in life, so why not exercise? It can be easy to forget about exercising or just not make it a priority during your day, but you are doing your health no favors.

Therefore, schedule time for exercise during most days of the week when scheduling everything else in your calendar. Make it an appointment—and don’t cancel on yourself!

Challenge Yourself Each Month

There is nothing wrong with a little challenge, especially when it’s motivating you to get in better shape and overall health.

Therefore, why not start a challenge next month to achieve some sort of exercise marker, whether that’s working out a certain number of times, increasing your workout time, lifting a certain amount of weight, or so on? Whatever fitness challenge you want to set for yourself, just do it. When you meet the challenge, celebrate! And then set a new one.

When was the last time you had a wellness check? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a medical evaluation to see where things stand with your health.