Give Your Brain a Workout! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

When we think about a healthy lifestyle, we usually think about choosing healthier food options, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising and not smoking. However, what have you been doing for your brain health lately?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to consider adding boosting your brain health to your resolution list for 2019.

Read on for some tips on how you can keep your mind sharp as you age.

Exercise for Your Brain

Yes, regularly exercising is key for maintaining good health. However, it is important to also exercise your brain.

One of the best ways to exercise your brain is by performing brainteasers and puzzles that can work the different areas of your brain.

You also exercise your brain anytime you do something that’s unfamiliar or new, like mixing up your exercise routines, starting a new hobby or learning another language.

Watch Your Diet

Eating a balanced diet is important for our overall health. However, did you know that eating certain foods can actually help lower the risk of cognitive decline?

It’s true! Eating a clean diet filled with foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA can help to reduce your risk of dementia and even improve your memory and focus. You can also pack your plate with foods like berries and salmon, which contain antioxidants and brain-healthy nutrients.

Spend Time With Friends

Just because you are growing older doesn’t mean that you have to stop spending time with your friends. If anything, now is as important a time as ever to make it a point to get together with friends on a monthly—if not weekly—basis.

Socialization doesn’t just help to reduce our risk of depression. It can also help us improve our mental health, as well as keep our spirits up throughout the ups and downs life can bring as we grow older.

Remember, we all get by with a little help from our friends.

Are you looking for more ways to improve your health in the new year? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a wellness check to see where your health currently stands.