Guess What Time It Is? Flu Shot Time! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

We were just talking about summer break, so how in the world could we be discussing flu prevention? But, here we are, and the team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to protect yourself and your family from the flu and other illnesses this year.

Take Action Against the Cold and Flu

Approximately 200,000 people living within the United States are hospitalized each year due to complications of the flu virus. But you and your family don’t have to fall victim. Instead, take action against colds, the flu virus, and other seasonal illnesses by doing what you can to prevent them in the first place.

Fall brings a change in temperatures—and the opportunity to pop open the windows. There’s a reason why illnesses are more common during the winter. It’s because we’re often cooped up inside with no real ventilation and no chance for the germs to leave the home. Having the windows open allows fresh air in and germ-laden air out. Besides, fall air is just the best!

Be sure to also follow proper etiquette when coughing and sneezing. Did you know that scientists have learned that smaller particles in a sneeze can travel as far as 200 feet away from the person who sneezed? As a result, protect yourself and others from germs by sneezing or coughing into the crease of your elbow. This has been shown as an effective way to keep germs from spreading. If you must sneeze into your hands, be sure to wash them or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer shortly thereafter. And don’t touch your face until you can do so.

Of course, don’t forget about the flu vaccine! Recommendations call for nearly everyone age 6 and months and older to be vaccinated against the flu annually. An annual flu shot is necessary because different strains of the flu are present each year.

Has your family been vaccinated against the flu yet? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today to be vaccinated—no appointment is necessary.