How Can I Challenge My Brain Every Day?

Life is all about organizing chaos into a predictable routine, right? You wake up, shuffle everyone out of the house to work and school, you get home and then chauffeur everyone around to activities. Finally it’s time for bed for the kids and couch time for you.

That certainly sounds familiar to us! While we are all guilty of this routine during busy weeks, it is important to prioritize time to challenge your brain and get out of your comfort zone regularly.

This is not only good for stress relief, but it actually helps reduce your risk of cognitive decline and memory issues later in life. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team explains more about brain health below.

What Does Exercise Have to Do With My Brain?

We get it, you are exhausted after a busy day at work and after parenting duties. However, exercise is so important to our overall health. It helps you maintain a healthy weight, and it can positively affect your mental health, your cognitive health, and your self-esteem. You should try to move your body every day, even if some days it is just a quick walk around the block.

If you struggle to find the motivation, find a workout buddy or try out a new exercise class at your gym. Exercising with a friend can make the experience more fun and you can push yourselves. It can even boost your mental health if you make a new friend or two in the process!

Psychological Benefits of Regular Exercise

  • Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Decreases stress
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Improves sleep

What Else Can I Do for My Brain?

Variety is the spice of life, and that is true for brain games and activities. Mix it up every night with crossword puzzles, card games or sudoku. You can try a new hobby or dust off an old one! Whatever forces you to stop and concentrate differently is healthy for your brain.

In addition to mixing up your activities, try to expand your horizons and take an online class or volunteer through an organization in town. Building community connection can boost your mental health and can actually help you avoid certain types of dementia and depression.

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Brain

  • Avoid smoking and other forms of tobacco.
  • Don’t abuse alcohol.
  • Protect your head from injury by wearing a helmet.
  • Take care of your emotions and seek help when needed.

We are here to help you feel better from your brain to your feet. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Memphis.