How Can I Stay Hydrated During the Colder Months?

We all hear about the importance of drinking water when it’s warm outside, but it’s just as important to remember to stay hydrated during the fall and winter months! Because your body is typically a more comfortable temperature this time of year, its desire for water isn’t as obvious.

Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis explains why you should remember to stay hydrated this year.

Why Should I Stay Hydrated?

Did you know? Your body is mostly made of fluids. And because it’s made of fluids, your body loses them throughout the day when you breathe, sweat and use the bathroom. It’s important to stay hydrated to replenish your body’s lost fluids so you don’t, in turn, become dehydrated.

Adequate hydration helps your body’s fundamental jobs like digestion, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature all run smoothly.

More Physical Benefits of Staying Hydrated

  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Keeps your body cool
  • Helps muscles and joints work as they should
  • Keeps your kidneys healthy

How Can I Remind Myself to Drink Water?

Practical things like setting a reminder on your phone to drink water and carrying a reusable water bottle with you are great ways to remind yourself to stay hydrated.

Drinking water can be easy to forget if you’re not intentional in reminding yourself to do so, so try the below suggestions if you find it difficult to drink water throughout the day.

Practical Ways to Stay Hydrated

  • Eat more water-rich fruits like strawberries and apples.
  • During the fall and winter months, drink room-temperature water if you often feel cold.
  • Drink sparkling water or flavored water if you find the taste of plain still water too boring.
  • Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or a sugary drink at meals, drink water.
  • Set a daily hydration goal.

Staying hydrated year-round is important for your overall health! If you are feeling like you might be dehydrated or in need of fluids, don’t hesitate to visit us at AFC Urgent Care Memphis.