How Can I Tell if I Have a Respiratory Infection?

Upper respiratory illnesses are all the rage these days! They are occurring in high numbers all across the country, so chances are that you have either already been sick this year or someone in your family has been.

While there are many different types of respiratory illnesses, two of the most common infections right now are the flu and RSV. Both of these illnesses have the potential to make you or your loved ones really sick. Check out our latest blog from the AFC Urgent Care Memphis team to learn more!

How Are Respiratory Infections Spread?

These types of infections are really contagious, making it easy to become infected in a variety of ways. Touching an infected surface or coming into close contact with a sick individual could cause you to become ill yourself. You could also get sick if you are too close to someone who doesn’t cover a cough or sneeze.

If the infection settles into your body and starts to multiply, you will start to experience symptoms about one to four days after exposure. If you are starting to feel ill, keep an eye on your symptom progression. While RSV starts out with mild cold-like symptoms, the flu can start with a simple cough or sore throat but then typically sets in quickly and can make you feel miserable right away.

  • Fever
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Muscle or body aches

Can I Treat All Respiratory Illnesses the Same?

Unfortunately, treatment is not a “one size fits all” situation. Since infections can be viral or bacterial, their treatments look different. Come see us for an evaluation and a series of rapid tests to determine what you are suffering from.

Once we know what you have, we can create a treatment plan for you. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, while viral infections typically require symptom management strategies or an antiviral medication to lessen the duration or intensity of the illness. In any case, we hope you feel better soon!

Red Flags of a Serious Infection

  • Shallow breathing
  • A high fever that won’t go away
  • Confusion
  • Chest pain

If you aren’t feeling well, we can help. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Memphis.