How Dangerous Is Secondhand Smoke?

If you smoke or live in a household with someone who does, understanding secondhand smoke is crucial. There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke, whether you are inhaling it directly through a cigarette or cigar, or if you are exposed to it secondhand.

Giving up your smoking habit is one of the best things you can do for your family. In addition, it will make you much healthier as well! Our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team explains all about the negative effects of tobacco smoke below, so read on.

Can I Just Smoke Outside to Protect My Family?

While limiting your habit to outside environments will reduce your family’s exposure to secondhand smoke, it doesn’t eliminate it completely. Nicotine and traces of smoke are still in your home, on your clothes and on almost every surface of your house. It is also still on your skin when you come inside, so your family is exposed to these chemicals even if you only smoke outside.

The toxins in tobacco smoke have negative effects on you, too. It leaves tar buildup in your lungs, and it contributes to your risk of developing respiratory issues, lung cancer and heart disease. It also can cause premature aging in your skin, hair and face. No one wants early onset wrinkles or saggy skin!

Diseases Associated With Smoking

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Emphysema

How Does Secondhand Smoke Affect My Children?

Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at a higher risk of many of the same diseases that you are as the one smoking. It can also increase their risk of ear infections, respiratory issues and asthma.

If you have an infant in your home, eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke should be a priority for you. It is known to increase your child’s risk for sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. Take steps to quit today. Your family deserves a healthier and smoke-free living environment!

Take the First Step Today

  • Find your reason to quit.
  • Research different cessation options.
  • Consider counseling.
  • Surround yourself with positive support.

We are always here for you. Stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis any day of the week.