Protect Your Skin | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Now that spring is here and summer will soon follow, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to make sure you remember how to protect your skin from the sun’s rays.

Practice Good Skin Habits

While tanning is all the buzz, it’s a trend that needs to go away. Although a small amount of sun exposure (we’re talking 15 minutes/day) is important for the vitamin D it brings your body, it’s also vitally important to protect your skin from burning, which can lead to wrinkles, discolorations, benign growths, age spots and even skin cancer.

As a result, it’s important to always:

Apply Sunscreen

You should apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on all exposed skin—every day. Choose a sunscreen that’s labeled “broad spectrum,” which means it will protect your skin from both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays. Apply approximately one ounce of sunscreen, or about how much would fit in a shot glass. Even if you aren’t “laying out,” you need to apply sunscreen anytime you’ll be outdoors for an extended period of time. Make sure to reapply every two hours while outdoors and more often if you get wet or sweaty.

Cover Your Face, Arms and Legs

Although this may not be your first choice of clothing on a warm day, wearing a lightweight long-sleeved shirt can provide an additional layer of protection on your arms. Wear a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses to help protect your face and eyes from burning, too. And don’t forget your lips! Protect those with a lip balm containing sunscreen.

Remain Inside During Certain Hours

You don’t need to stay inside all day, but the American Academy of Dermatology does recommend people stay indoors when the sun is at its hottest, which is usually between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Even when outdoors, seek shade when possible.

Be sure to stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis immediately if you suffer a bad sunburn—or any burn for that matter. Depending on the degree of the burn, certain treatments may be needed to help ensure the burn heals properly.