Resolve to Take Care of Your Mental Health This Year | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Mental health tends to have a stigma around it to where many people do not want to discuss or admit to possibly having a mental health issue. But the reality is, our mental health is every bit as important as our physical health—and it’s important to pay close attention to both.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis want you to know that if you are living with a mental health condition, you are not alone. In fact, one in four Americans experience some type of mental health issue in a given year.

Mental Health 101

There are a number of things that play into our overall mental health, such as:

  • Emotions
  • Psychology
  • Social well-being

Our mental health affects how we handle certain situations, as well as some of the choices we make—both good and bad. Mental health is something that we all should pay attention to, during all walks of life—from childhood to adulthood.

While there are a number of mental health issues, some are more common than others. Types of mental health issues include:

  • Mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder)
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia)
  • Eating disorders
  • Trauma-related disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Substance abuse disorders

4 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can try to improve your mental health.

First and foremost, pay careful attention to how you feel and think on a daily basis. Watch your mood and emotions so you will know what’s normal for you and what’s not.

Second, make yourself a priority. Carve out time each day to do activities you enjoy, whether that’s as simple as a few minutes to read a favorite book or time devoted to a hobby.

Spending time with others is also important. In fact, loneliness and isolation have been shown as just as dangerous to our physical and mental health as some medical conditions. Ensure you’re devoting some time to spend with friends and family.

Finally, carve out regular time to exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. It not only will benefit your physical health, but it will also reap benefits for your mental health. Exercise releases positive endorphins, which can help to balance your mood and fight off stress.

Do you think you might be having symptoms of anxiety or depression? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis for a thorough medical evaluation and treatment plan. No appointment is necessary!