Sleep: It Does a Body Good | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Are you getting the sleep you need on a daily basis? If you’re like most Americans, the answer is no. And that lack of quality sleep can have a negative effect on your physical and mental health.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to take a few minutes to talk about why sleep is so important, as well as how much sleep you should be getting. Read on as we offer some insight.

Am I Getting Enough Sleep?

While how much sleep is necessary varies somewhat from person to person, most adults need between seven and nine hours of quality sleep every night to promote optimal health and well-being.

Adults age 60 and older may get by with slightly less sleep, aiming for seven to eight hours each night. Kids, on the other hand, need more sleep to promote growth and development.

When you get a good night’s sleep, you are able to receive a number of benefits, including:

  • Cancer prevention
  • Stress reduction
  • Lower inflammation
  • Better alertness
  • Memory boost
  • Weight maintenance

How Can I Establish a Better Nighttime Routine?

The key to getting enough quality sleep to promote good mental and physical health is to establish a good nighttime routine in order to set yourself up for success.

First, you want to make sure you are cutting out caffeine during the late afternoon/early evening and turning off all electronics at least an hour or two before bed. Those electronic devices emit blue light that makes your body think it’s time to be awake, not wind down to sleep.

Second, you might want to calm your mind to get ready for sleep by taking a warm bath, practicing mindful meditation or reading a book. Establishing these practices as a daily habit is even better, since your body will begin to recognize the activity as a cue to wind down.

Finally, set up your bedroom for sleep success by keeping it cool and dark. Research has shown that a temperature 68 degrees or lower is best for promoting good sleep.

Do you think an underlying medical issue might be keeping you up at night? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a checkup. No appointment is necessary!