Start the Year With a New Routine

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year. You get to spend time with family and friends you might not have seen since last year, while also getting the chance to break away from work for a couple days. Plus, the kids are out of school, which allows for even more of a break from your normal routine. But now that the holiday season is over, why not start this new year off with a brand-new routine to better fit your life?

Create a Routine for a Brand-new Year

Having a daily routine is important for a variety of reasons. For one, it helps you to save time by knowing what you need to do and when you need to do it. Plus, it takes a lot of guessing out of your day, helping you to get things done on automatic pilot.

Whether you’ve been on a schedule before or are creating one for the first time, here are some ways to help you develop the perfect daily routine for your life.

First, write down everything you need to accomplish every day. Everything you do on a daily basis—from tasks at home to your to-do list outside the home—needs to be written down.

Next, divide your tasks and place them in a timetable. Your timetable should not only include morning, afternoon and evening but also mid-morning and mid-afternoon. You also want to consider when you are most productive during the day and the time of day that you are a little bit slower. For instance, if you have the most energy right after waking up, use this time to do tasks that require more critical thinking. Then, at times when you are slow, such as mid-day, use that time to complete boring tasks, such as laundry and planning meals.

Finally, create a checklist, and try it all out. Be flexible. If your written routine didn’t work one day, try it again to see if the second day is better. If not, move items around in order to make a routine that makes life easier—not harder.

Remember, the less stressed you are, the better it is for your health.

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