Stay Healthy This Halloween! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Welcome, October! With trick-or-treating right around the corner, there are a number of places that candy will be readily accessible. As a result, your sugar levels might be rocking higher numbers than usual.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to know how to have a fun and safe Halloween while also keeping your health in check!

A Healthier Halloween

With the number of parties and gatherings happening throughout October, it’s important to make sure you continue to make your health a priority.

Continue making time for regular exercise. Not only is exercise a great way to maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help you stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Plus, exercise can improve your mood. That sounds like a win to us!

It’s also important that you eat healthy as much as possible. With all the candy being handed out this month, you want to ensure you are getting enough protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet, too!

Try to limit how much candy you and your family have each day. And, if you have yet to eat a well-balanced meal, do not treat yourself to candy. Remember, nutrition before sugar every time!

In addition to eating a healthy diet, you also want to make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Sugar can wreak havoc on your oral health, causing both cavities and chipped teeth.

Therefore, you want to make sure you are paying extra attention to your teeth, particularly during this month.

Finally, when you do go to various Halloween parties or trick-or-treating, make sure to inspect all candy for safety. Anytime that the packaging isn’t fully sealed, the candy needs to be tossed out.

Is it too much sugar or something else that is causing your tummy trouble? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis today to get back to feeling your best!