Stay Healthy While Traveling | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

The team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to enjoy traveling this spring and summer without jeopardizing your health. Therefore, take these suggestions into consideration when traveling over the next few months so that you don’t come back with “added baggage.”

Keep Healthy Habits While on the Road

When it comes to traveling, you never know what can happen. It may be smooth sailing from point A to point B, or there might be traffic run-ins and flight delays. Therefore, it’s important to always be prepared with healthy, go-to snacks like nuts, plain popcorn or fruit. That way you don’t have to worry about choosing from unhealthy vending machine options or spending additional money on overpriced airport food. Pack easy-to-keep healthy snacks ahead of time that can help you to stay full while also helping to keep you within your vacation budget.

Second, when you make it to your destination, try and do everything you can on foot. Whether it be taking a hike to a favorite waterfall or exploring the area and all it has to offer—just do what you can on foot in order to get in some exercise while traveling. Who knows: All the walking might even help you return in better shape!

With all the walking, however, make sure that you are staying as hydrated as possible. Especially while driving, flying and walking, you want to make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water so that you don’t become dehydrated. Airline travel is particularly dehydrating and you may not even realize it, so be sure you’re drinking water at regular intervals even if you don’t feel thirsty. Since water isn’t safe in every location, choose bottled water to make sure you’re protected.

Want to get a “taste” for your vacation locale? Make it your goal to try a fruit and a vegetable that are unique to your destination.

Did you know that some travel destinations require specific vaccinations? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis to make certain your vaccines are up-to-date before heading off on your vacation.