Stop in the Name of Seasonal Allergies

It is July! Why are we still sneezing and coughing and puffy eyed? Because the seasonal allergies keep sticking around all summer long! Quit letting them ruin your summer break with these tips!

Overcome the Pollen Enemy

Sadly, our allergies get to the point where they keep us from wanting to even step outside on the warm, sunny days. But why should we let them ruin our summer, especially when it is already half-way over? We shouldn’t! Take back control of your summer with these allergy-reducing tips.

First, watch the weather report each day to learn the pollen count. If it is exceptionally high that day, then you might want to conquer some indoor tasks you have been putting off throughout the week—until the pollen count drops in the evening. (Morning is usually the time pollen counts are at their highest.) However, if it is not too bad, go ahead and go outdoors for some fun!

Just remember when you come back inside from being outdoors to take a shower and change your clothes. Even if you do not see it with your eye, pollen can settle on your clothes and in your hair. As a result, even though you are indoors, you are still breathing in the pollen. By changing your clothes and taking a shower, you are washing away all of the pollen to ensure you are breathing in clean, pollen-free air.

Also, while it may be tempting to open the windows and doors to your home on a nice, windy summer day, you are only causing your home to be a pollen magnet. Therefore, be sure to keep all doors and windows closed so that you do not suffer from allergy symptoms even when inside.

Have you had enough of the allergy symptoms? Come see us today to alleviate your symptoms and stop the suffering!