Take Care of the Skin You're In | AFC Urgent Memphis

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the warmer weather is finally upon us! At least now we are able to spend some time outdoors, even if it is in our own backyard.

With the increased sun and warmer temperatures, though, comes an increased exposure to the harmful rays of the sun.

That’s why during Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month this May, our team at AFC Urgent Memphis wants to share some tips about protecting your skin.

Enjoy the Sun Without the Burn

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 9,500 people living in the United States are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. We all need to make sure that we are doing what we can to protect our skin, which is also the largest organ of our body!

There are certain risk factors associated with a higher chance of skin cancer, including:

  • Fair skin
  • A history of sunburns
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Moles
  • Precancerous skin lesions
  • A family history of skin cancer
  • A personal history of skin cancer

But it’s very important to remember that every single person—of every race and ethnicity—is at risk of developing skin cancer. As a result, it is important for all of us to learn what we can do in order to lower our risk of skin cancer during our lifetime.

First, you want to make sure that you are seeking shade from the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., as this is when the sun’s ultraviolet rays are the strongest.

You also need to wear sunscreen every day, on all exposed areas of the skin. Even on the cloudy days, you are still able to get a sunburn.

Apply a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors, and reapply it at least every two hours while outside.

Finally, consider your clothing when going outdoors, as long-sleeved shirts and long pants can help to protect your skin better from the sun, as can wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

We are still here for you! Visit the AFC Urgent Care Memphis website in order to schedule an AFC TeleCare visit today.