Take These Steps to Improve Your Health in 2020 | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Can you believe we are already halfway through January of 2020?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to get started on your new year’s resolutions—even if you haven’t already—so that come the end of the year, you are the healthiest version of yourself possible. Set yourself up for success with these small steps that can have a big impact.

Healthy Resolutions 101

Let’s take a look at different resolutions you can make this new year in order to achieve your goal of living a healthier life:

First, start by adding more citrus fruits into your diet. While adding in any fruit is great for your health, winter citrus like grapefruits, oranges and clementines can help you get in your daily recommended serving of fruits, while also improving the health of your skin and preventing dry skin during the colder months.

Second, you also want to make sure you are eating your veggies, too, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Sauteing onion, peppers and mushrooms can be a great way to get in your vegetable intake for the day while also adding some flavor to a usually boring dish!

In addition to eating healthy, you want to stay up-to-date on where your overall health stands, which means getting age-appropriate exams and screenings. Rather than waiting until the last minute (and risking forgetting), go ahead and schedule all your doctor’s appointments for the year now! This may include:

  • Dental exams
  • Annual wellness checkups
  • Mammogram
  • Colonoscopy
  • Eye exam

If you are not sure what screenings you need, speak with your physician.

Finally, share your resolutions with a friend or family member! When you share your goals for the year, you are more likely to stick with them. Plus, your loved one can help keep you motivated when you encounter hiccups along your resolution journey!

If you’re resolving to live a healthier lifestyle in 2020, a checkup is a great first step. Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today!