Take Your Health Back to School | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Can you believe we are already talking about the back-to-school season? Why does the summer always seem to pass so quickly?

While there are still more summer days to enjoy, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis also wants you to start preparing for school, since August will be here before you know it!

Get Your Health Back on Track

Did your kids’ healthy habits fall by the healthy wayside this summer?

They are far from alone, as this happens to many of us. However, now that a new school year is just around the corner, it is a great time to get back on track.

Healthy Eating

Let’s face it. Summers are filled with cookouts, snack foods and other unhealthy treats. In addition, because kids face an entire schedule change during the summer, they may find themselves eating at unusual times, like later in the morning or late in the evening.

Therefore, it is time to get back on a better eating schedule, as well as focus more on the foods you’re eating. Fill your plates with the full spectrum of foods, including:

  • Lean proteins
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Low-fat dairy

Wellness Check

Depending on your child’s age and specific needs and activities, he or she may need to undergo a back-to-school or sports physical before the new year begins. We’ve got you covered!

Now’s the perfect to stop in and get that checkup taken care of, so you’ll have that to-do tackled weeks before the school year gets underway.

During this checkup, we’ll also advise about any necessary vaccinations your child should have.

Sleep Schedule

As the summer season winds to a close and a new school year begins, this is a big one.

Chances are that the summer included sleeping in and staying up late. However, once school starts, this is going to need to be fixed, so that your child is better able to concentrate during the school day and be his or her most productive self.

So set your child up for success by resetting bedtime now. Start having your child go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little bit earlier now rather than starting a day or two before school. Those first few days are going to be a little rough, so it is better to go ahead and work on a sleep schedule gradually instead of all at once as school begins.

Is your child in need of a sports physical before heading back to school? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis!