What Happens After a Stroke... | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

Did you know that stroke is the leading cause of disability among Americans and one of the leading causes of death? That’s because when a stroke occurs, each minute that passes before the stroke is treated can cause further damage.

After a stroke, survivors often experience a range of symptoms, some of them that last only a short time and others that last longer. And those who suffer one stroke are more likely to experience another.

But the situation isn’t hopeless! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to share some insight on how to lower your risk of stroke—either following a stroke or to keep one from happening in the first place.

Lowering the Risk of Stroke

High blood pressure and diabetes can increase your risk of strokes. That’s why it’s so important to have regular checkups that include blood work and testing to make sure your numbers are in a healthy range.

If you have either hypertension or diabetes, you’ll want to carefully manage the condition to keep it under control. This may require medication and lifestyle changes.

Eating a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and lean protein is one such lifestyle change that can benefit everyone. You’ll also want to get plenty of physical activity to keep your body active and healthy.

Recovering After a Stroke

Your physical health isn’t the only piece of the puzzle to preventing another stroke or recovering from your first one. You also need to take control of your mental health.

A stroke doesn’t just cause physical symptoms—it can also impact a person’s mental health.

If you aren’t feeling like yourself after a stroke, it’s important to share your symptoms and feelings with your medical team. They can help ensure you’re receiving the specialized care you need and deserve.

Are you recovering after a stroke, or trying to prevent a stroke in the first place? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis for a visit today!