What's Causing My New Rash?

Rashes are certainly annoying and uncomfortable to experience, and they’re much more common during the summertime than any other time of the year.

If you’ve developed a new rash and aren’t sure where it came from, our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team is here to help you feel more informed about the state of your skin!

What Causes Rashes?

An allergic reaction occurs when a person’s immune system is overly sensitive to a typically harmless substance or allergen. Once an allergen comes in contact with the skin, it can trigger an inflammatory response, which then causes a rash.

Almost any substance in the environment can trigger an allergic reaction with a rash, but plants like poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are some of the most common causes. We’ve listed a few other common substances that cause allergic rashes below.

Common Allergic Rash Causes

  • Chemicals. These include latex and rubber, hair dyes, adhesives and types of fragrances.
  • Medications. Things like certain types of antibiotics, aspirin and birth control pills can cause a rash.
  • Foods. The most common rash causes are peanuts, soy, wheat, milk and fish or shellfish.

Can I Treat My Rash at Home?

Most of the time, yes, but if your rash becomes infected, then you will need to seek medical treatment. A rash typically becomes infected when it’s scratched, so the best thing you can do for your rash is to avoid scratching it to steer clear from further and potentially severe medical problems.

Signs of an infected rash are yellow or green fluid; swelling, crusting, pain and warmth in the area of the rash; or a red streak coming from the rash. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit our AFC center ASAP to get the necessary treatment. If not, there are some ways you can treat your rash at home, which we’ve listed below!

At-Home Allergic Rash Treatments

  • Apply cold. Whether you choose a cold compress, cool showers or a damp cloth, cold water can bring immediate relief and can help stop swelling, ease itching and slow the progression of a rash.
  • A powdered oatmeal bath. Oatmeal works as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to relieve skin itchiness, dryness and roughness. Studies show that the oils in oats work together to help repair skin.
  • Coconut oil. Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a cooking oil and skin moisturizer. It’s high in saturated fats and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dealing with a rash? Don’t hesitate to visit our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team today for the general medical care you need!