What Signs Indicate a Screen Addiction in My Child?

Screens are unavoidable in today’s time. They surround us in our work, at school and in our homes. Since they are so prevalent in our lives, it can be easy to become reliant on them every day.

Screen use can be addictive, just like tobacco and alcohol use. This is especially true for your children as they are still growing up and absorbing the world around them.

If you are hoping to reduce screen time for your children, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis shares some tips below.

Which Screens Are Addicting?

Any screen that produces content or is connected to the internet can become addicting over time. The more you scroll or play a game, the more dopamine is released in your body. The excess dopamine can eventually create an unbalanced pleasure/reward cycle in your child’s body.

They can grow to crave instant gratification and entertainment with every “like,” “follow” or notification. Over time, issues like shortened attention spans, lowered critical thinking skills and poor socialization can begin to impact your child’s development.

Screen Addiction Signs

  • Lost interest in other activities other than screen time
  • Sneakiness in their usage and hiding it
  • Screen use as a mood booster
  • Trouble developing real-world relationships

How Do I Impose a Screen Time Limit?

Chances are that you could benefit from less screen time, too! Start by leading by example. Allow yourself the time you need to use electronics after work, and then pick a hard time to shut off TVs and silence phones and stick to it. Suggest a family walk, board game or free play outside. You don’t have to cut out screen use completely, but creating healthy boundaries will benefit everyone in your home.

One of the best things you can do is encourage your child to use his or her imagination in unstructured play time. Play invites more independence and a greater self-confidence. Don’t be afraid to get in on the fun as well!

Unaddressed Screen Use Problems

  • Speech delays
  • Difficulty with problem-solving or critical thinking
  • Exposure to cyber-bullying
  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety

Are you worried that your child is suffering from depression or anxiety due to too much screen time? Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Memphis.