Why Do I Feel So Lonely?

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes it can seem like those downs last longer than we want them to. It is normal to feel a wide range of emotions throughout a typical day. Happiness, sadness, anger and frustration are all parts of the human experience. So are feelings of loneliness, though loneliness shouldn’t be a long-term emotion.

Over time, chronic loneliness not only affects our mental health, it affects our physical health, too, and can lead to dangerous and even deadly illnesses or conditions.

Our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team wants to help you overcome these feelings of loneliness, so read on as we figure out the next steps together.

How Does Loneliness Affect Me?

Loneliness doesn’t only happen when you are by yourself. You could be surrounded by a crowd of happy, joyful people and still feel lonely. Loneliness is more centered around the feeling of lost connection or community. This can happen in a variety of ways.

Moving to a new city, losing a loved one or experiencing a trauma or injury that forces you to lose connection with those around you are all common ways that loneliness can creep in. Over time, this loss of connection can start to affect your self-esteem and your mental health. It can also cause chronic stress, which negatively affects your physical health.

Conditions Caused or Worsened By Chronic Loneliness

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression

What Can I Do About Being Lonely?

We are sorry you are struggling with this hard emotion right now. A helpful thing to do is understand that these feelings won’t last forever! All you have to do is take some action to create a form of community and connection to someone or something for it all to turn around.

Start by coming up with a plan. If you moved to a new city and don’t know anyone, take a trip back home to your loved ones for some support. When you get back, be courageous and sign up for a community event or volunteer somewhere. You might just meet someone that becomes your new best friend for life!

Additional Way to Combat Loneliness

  • Call an old friend.
  • Find a walking buddy.
  • Attend a local club or community event.
  • Adopt a pet.
  • Utilize therapy.

Remember that you are never alone. We are always here for you at AFC Urgent Care Memphis.