Why Does My Skin Get Dry When It's Cool Outside?

It’s no secret that cold weather can be tough on the skin. The dryer your skin gets, the greater the desire to take drastic measures into your own hands.

However, we’d advise you to resist that temptation as there are some natural ways to keep your skin healthy! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis sheds some light on how you can properly take care of your skin.

Why Does My Skin Get So Dry When It’s Cold Out?

Low-humidity environments have a big impact on your skin. When the air outside is cold and dry, the water in your skin evaporates more quickly, which makes your skin feel dry, tight and flaky. The recent winter snowstorms certainly haven’t helped in that department.

Also, windy weather can beat down on your skin and make it look and feel dry and chapped. We’ve listed some ways you can protect your skin below.

Natural Ways to Protect Your Skin

  • Drink lots of water every day.
  • Incorporate more healthy fats, such as avocados, into your diet.
  • Don’t over-wash your skin.
  • Turn on a humidifier in the home.
  • Get an adequate amount of exercise every week.
  • Don’t smoke.

Am I Just Washing My Hands Too Much?

Honestly, you can’t really wash your hands too much these days. But it’s no secret that washing your hands with soap and warm water multiple times every few hours can be rough on your hands.

So, how can you combat this? Dermatologists suggest carrying your own moisturizing liquid hand soap with you as the hand soap in public restrooms is often very harsh and drying. We’ve listed some more ways to keep your skin intact below.

Other Ways to Boost Skin Health

  • If you are considering a skin cleanser, choose one carefully. Cream-based cleansers will help keep the moisture in while still taking off the day’s dirt and makeup.
  • Exfoliate. Not only does exfoliating take off the dry, dead skin cells, but it also helps you regenerate new ones.
  • Keep your showers short. Soap and hot water strip your skin of its natural oils, so minimizing the amount you bathe is important.

Skin health is not something to take lightly! If you are having skin problems or other general health issues, don’t hesitate to stop by AFC Urgent Care Memphis today.