Why Wait Until 2019 to Get Healthy? | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

While most people are waiting until Jan. 1 to start their New Year’s resolutions, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants you to consider getting a jump-start on your healthy resolutions for 2019.

What steps can you take to improve your health? We have a few suggestions!

Got Water?

Are you good about sipping on water throughout the day, or would you rather grab a soda, coffee or other beverage? While coffee and unsweet tea are better options than soda, water is still the best beverage for your health.

Therefore, you need to try to drink as much water as you can throughout the day, starting first thing in the morning. Drinking water upon waking can help wake up your organs, as well as jump-start your metabolism.

Turn Off Technology

Let’s face it. If you were to take a look around you, almost everyone is on their phone.

Especially at night, it can be a natural habit to watch television or catch up on Facebook. But that blue light is not what is best for your brain—or your sleep.

Try to turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime so that your body can adjust and get ready for bed. You might find that this habit also helps you to obtain better sleep throughout the night and wake up refreshed in the morning!

Get Moving!

Experts recommend getting at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. But even a little movement can make a big difference.

Do you have a desk job? Do you find yourself living a more sedentary lifestyle than active one? It is time to start moving, not only for your physical health but for your mental health, too!

Find activities you enjoy and mix things up to keep yourself interested.

Has it been a year since your last wellness check? Visit AFC Urgent Care Memphis today for a medical evaluation to see where things stand with your health.