You're Hired! Now, It's Time for an Occupational Health Check! | AFC Urgent Care Memphis

When you’re running a business, employee health might not be the first priority on your to-do list. But it’s an important factor in keeping your business running productively.

That’s why it’s one of our priorities. The team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis wants to share our full slate of employee health services with business owners throughout the Memphis area.

One-stop Shop for Employee Health Care

There are many aspects of employee health that we can help with.

First, there’s the pre-employment process, which includes drug screenings and vaccinations to make sure everything checks out and new hires have a clean bill of health to start work.

Then, when it comes to having an employee on the payroll, accidents can happen—even when we do our best to prevent them. When workplace incidents occur, our medical team members are certified to help care for workers’ compensation claims.

Because our urgent care center is open seven days a week, as well as here for extended hours each day, it’s easy to send an injured employee to our urgent care center for care without having him or her wait and incur the high expenses associated with an emergency room.

In addition, healthcare services are also needed throughout the year, not just at the beginning of the hiring process or when an employee is injured.

As a result, we provide services that help meet a company’s healthcare needs, such as annual blood work and physical exams, as well as DOT and BAT testing when needed.

Is your company looking for a place to send employees for health services? Look no further than AFC Urgent Care Memphis, where we can take care of all your occupational health needs.