The temperature has dropped, the leaves have changed and there is less sunlight every day. Like it or not, the winter season is upon us. The winter season brings its own challenges, including making sure you are getting enough vitamin D! Adequate vitamin D is important in supporting your overall health to form healthy bones and to help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases. Our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team explains how to add in more vitamin D to your life during the winter season below. Read on →

We are continually amazed by the advancement of science and technology in the medical community! The development of vaccines, including the one for influenza, can help us avoid serious illness every year. We are grateful to be able to provide our community with them every day. The flu shot has been around for over 50 years and is a great resource for preventing sickness in people of all ages. We know that there are misconceptions out there about the flu shot, so our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team lays out the facts below. Read on →

One of the biggest challenges as a parent can be getting your child to sleep sometimes! After slowly creeping out of your sleeping child’s room (sometimes tiptoeing), you do your best to avoid accidentally waking him or her up. But should you be worried if you start to hear snoring? Snoring doesn’t happen as often in children as it does in adults, but can still occur. The sound of snoring isn’t necessarily dangerous, but if it is a recurrent problem, it can start to affect his or her sleep quality and daytime activities. Read on →

Screens are unavoidable in today’s time. They surround us in our work, at school and in our homes. Since they are so prevalent in our lives, it can be easy to become reliant on them every day. Screen use can be addictive, just like tobacco and alcohol use. This is especially true for your children as they are still growing up and absorbing the world around them. If you are hoping to reduce screen time for your children, our team at AFC Urgent Care Memphis shares some tips below. Read on →

Waking up with a runny nose or body aches is never fun, especially during the height of cold and flu season! Both the cold and flu viruses share similar symptoms, so it is important to know which one you are suffering from so you can seek the appropriate treatment. While both illnesses are relatively common during the fall and winter seasons, there are millions of cases of the common cold each year in the United States! Read on →

Coming down with a cold is always inconvenient. With your busy and dynamic life, it seems like there is no time to deal with a runny nose or a sore throat! There are millions of cold cases every year in the United States, so it should be no surprise that it is typical for adults to suffer through two to three colds each year. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team shares the details about the common cold. Read on →

Pregnancy can be such a fun time for new and experienced parents alike! Getting ready to welcome a new little one into your lives can be so fulfilling. If you start to feel ill or become sick while pregnant, knowing what you can and cannot take for relief is important in protecting yourself and your baby. Antibiotics fall into the “sometimes OK” category during pregnancy and should only ever be taken after visiting with your care team. Read on →

While sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, don’t commonly pop up in casual conversations, they are incredibly common in the United States. They happen to one in five people every single year. Getting tested for an STD is incredibly important to protect your sexual health as well as prevent long-term issues for yourself later in life. Our AFC Urgent Care Memphis team tests for STDs, and we can help you get to the root cause of your issue today. Read on →

Did you know that you can develop asthma at any point in your life? While it is true that the majority of cases are diagnosed in childhood, there is a still a chance for adults to develop it as well. If you are over the age of 20 and are diagnosed, you are considered to have adult-onset asthma. Adult-onset asthma typically presents itself in individuals who have a family history of the disease, have allergies already or are exposed to chronic hazards at work or in their homes. Read on →

When you have children involved in sports, you know how busy you can get! Between driving them to games, practices and camps, it seems like you are all always on the go. But what happens when a sports-related injury stops you all in your tracks? Our knowledgeable staff at AFC Urgent Care Memphis frequently sees sports injuries. Read on to get the scoop on sports injuries. Are Certain Sports More Dangerous? Read on →